Saints Row 2 has always been one of my favourite games, so i was very excited for Saints Row The Third.
As with the first and second Saints Row it's all about (over the top) gang violence, with lots of humor added to the mix.
And Saints Row The Third delivers, so far i am having a blast, eventhough the game still has some of the same glitches/problems Saints Row 2 has, like npc's/cars dissapearing if you look the other way and i had a few times where the game simply "stopped working" which is kind of annoying.
Although this time they definatly did a lot more work on the pc version, Saints Row 2 really was a console port and had a lot more problems because of that, plus the DLC that came out on the console never made it into the pc version.
I have always been a fan of (real) open world games and when it comes to that Saints Row is one of the best, as the world is not devided in seperate parts that you have to unlock (like GTA), you can straight away, do anything you like and go anywhere you like without having to stick to the main storyline.
The storyline really has a lot of hilarious story and over the top violence so if you're looking for a good time Saints Row really is a good choice, if you like that kind of stuff of course.
I have spend many hours playing Saints Row 2 (according to Raptr 189 hours) and have no doubt i will be spending many hours in Saints Row The Third.